Top Supplements Online is an extremely proud sponsor of Inside Natural Bodybuilding, the premier news source for natural bodybuilding! The members of INB travel across the country each year to attend all of the major natural bodybuilding contests. They serve the natural bodybuilding community by getting full footage of each show so fans that aren't able to attend live can still see the amazing athletes hit the stage. Not only can they be seen within the same week of the show date, they're available anytime on their YouTube page. That's right, bodybuilding contests past or present can be seen anytime, anywhere for free by fans and athletes! INB doesn't stop there however, they also conduct interviews with all of the top athletes competing at each show. The INB Facebook page also provides real time news and updates occurring in the sport. Weekly in-season radio shows are also provided so fans can stay even more connected to the sport and hear from all the major names including top prep coaches, organization presidents and more!
INB Links
During the season, we will have a "Top Vid of the Week" where the best video from prejudging, finals, or of an athlete interview will be highlighted for our customers and fans to see just what awesome work INB is doing for the sport!
Top Clip of the Week: 2014 IFPA Pro North American Pro Men Prejudging
2014 Shows Covered by Inside Natural Bodybuilding
- 04/26/14 NANBF Southern States (Liz Kampschroeder)
- 04/26/14 ANBF Virginia Natural Roanoke, VA (Andrew Pardue) *Tentative*
- 05/03/14 OCB Richmond (Philip and Mary Ricardo)
- 05/17/14 NPC Midway USA (Mike Neumann)
- 05/17/14 IFPA No Gear Classic, Greensboro (Andrew Pardue)
- 05/24/14 NANBF Minnesota,IFPA North American (Mike Neumann)
- 06/07/14 NPC Muscle Mayhem (Mike Neumann)
- 06/21/14 NANBF Arkansa (Mike Neumann)
- 06/28/14 NANBF St.Louis Natural (Mike Neumann, Liz Kampschroeder)
- 06/28/14 OCB Natural Bodyz Super Show (Andrew Pardue)
- 08/16/14 INBA Legends Classic Pro/Am Woodbridge, VA (Andrew Pardue)
- 08/30/14 PNBA Natural Universe (Mike Neumann)
- 09/13/14 NANBF Kansas City Classic (Liz Kampschroeder)
- 09/20/14 INBA Natural Olympia (Mike Neumann, Liz Kampschroeder, Philip and Mary Ricardo)
- 10/---/14 IFPA Gaspari Nutrition Pro Cape Cod, MA (Andrew Pardue)
- 10/25/14 IFPA Yorton Cup Washington, DC (Andrew Pardue)
- 11/01/14 ANBF North Carolina Natural. Morehead City, NC (Andrew Pardue)
This list is kept as up to date as possible. Coverage is subject to change.