Teddy Oxholm, General Manager
In 2008 Teddy first ventured into CCNC Hyannis and was blown away never having seen any store like it before. Between the stellar service, selection of products and awesome prices he was hooked! Immediately a camaraderie was established with Teddy and the owner, James. Fast forward to current day - Teddy oversees the operations of the Plymouth and Easton locations as the company’s general manager. Teddy graduated from Bridgewater State College in 2010 with a degree in exercise science. Straight out of college Teddy worked as a personal trainer, working primarily with special populations (people with prolonged injuries, imbalances and the elderly). Teddy also competed in several drug free bodybuilding competitions. Having this extensive knowledge and health education makes Teddy a valuable member of the team at CCNC.

Gareth Brown, Plymouth Manager
With a background in personal training and a degree in exercise science, Gareth understands the necessity of proper nutrition. Whether your goal is to compete in sports at a high level or simply live your best life, what you put into your body determines what you are able to get out of it. Gareth was a frequent customer at CCNC Plymouth specifically for this reason.
Impressed with the array of products that were offered and the supportive friendly environment of the store, he jumped at the opportunity to join the team in 2015. His dedication to health and fitness and his desire to help people succeed had served him well for many years, working the front desk at Plymouth area gyms. The same drive to provide exceptional customer service and a welcoming environment to the customers at CCNC led to his promotion to Plymouth store manager in 2018.
Gareth works to create a rapport with each customer so he can make recommendations that fit their goals and lifestyle.

Justin Randall, Easton Manager
BSc, IFBB Pro Bodybuilder
Justin started with Cape Cod Nutrition in October of 2018 at the Easton location. He has known the owner, James Carron, since competing in his first ever bodybuilding show (the Cape Cod Natural promoted by James). Justin has competed in over 20 bodybuilding shows since 2011 and earned his IFBB professional status at the NPC nationals in 2016. Since then he has competed in 6 professional shows. Justin is a full time nutrition coach and has worked with over 1000 clients in the last 7 years ranging from bodybuilders/athletes/and individuals with general fitness goals. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Exercise Science from Bridgewater State University. Justin has an extreme passion for nutrition, training and supplements. With his background, Justin is a valued member of the CCNC Team...and there is no other company he would rather be a part of.